Guide for Authors

International Journal of Environmental Studies and Researches (IJESR) is an open-access journal, that publishes original scientific articles concerned with the following fields of environmental studies: Environmental pollution; renewable energy; climate changes and environmental impact assessment; change detection; food security and safety; biodiversity; all aspects of agriculture; environmental biology; Aquatic environment; soil-plant relationships; environmental tourism, resource conservation; commerce and economics; environmental chemistry; biosafety and biosecurity; nanotechnology; geographical information systems and remote sensing; management and environmental legislation; environmental media; humanity; environmental and architecture engineering; environmental geology; wild life; ecosystem restoration, public health; Hydrology and water quality; wastewater treatment and utilization.

Manuscripts submitted to IJESR must not previously or simultaneously submit to another scientific journal .Papers will be considered for publication in IJESR on the understanding that no substantial part has been or will be published elsewhere.

All manuscripts will be reviewed by two anonymous reviewers in the research area in double blind revision. Copy of the reviewer’s comments will be returned to the author(s). The Editorial Board reserves the right to accept or reject the submitted material. Manuscripts are generally published in the order of receipt of the final accepted version.

Copyright policy:

International Journal of Environmental Studies and Researches (IJESR) allows the author(s) to hold the copyright, and to retain publishing rights without any restrictions. The journal allows the readers to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, and allows the readers also to use them for any other lawful purposes.

IJESR is available in online and printed matter.

Submission Process:

All manuscripts must be submitted electronically via the Internet to the journal via the online system at:

In submitting a manuscript to International Journal of Environmental Studies and Researches (IJESR), the authors affirm that the manuscript is not being submitted elsewhere.

Authors are requested to submit their manuscript according to the journal style format (see below) as a Microsoft Word file. The Journal Manager will check the originality of the manuscript against plagiarism checking system. Authors are requested to send a signed cover letter to the editor either by mail, e-mail or hand delivery (see below).The executive editor will read the manuscript, and check the innovative nature, the progress beyond the state-of-the-art, the quality of English writing and the compliance to the formatting style of the journal. The executive editor has the right to reject manuscripts, which do not meet publishing ethics or minimum quality standards. Also, he may ask for further improvement of manuscripts that are written in poor English.

After the manuscript has been accepted for publication, i.e. after referee-recommended revisions are complete, the author will not be permitted to make any additions.

Submitting to the journal requires:

  1. Registering for an account
  2. Logging in to your account
  3. Selecting your role as an Author
  4. Selecting "Start a New Submission"
  5. Completing the 5 step submission process

Authors will be guided stepwise through the creation and uploading of the various files.

Covering Letter to the Editor

It is mandatory that the corresponding author signs a covering letter to the editor during submitting his manuscript. This covering letter should include these commitments:

a- A declaration that all authors agree for publishing their manuscript in International Journal of Environmental Studies and Research (Environmental Studies and Research Institute, University of Sadat City)

b- A declaration that there is no personal or financial conflict of interest with other individuals or organizations.

c- A declaration that authors followed the rules and legislations of the research ethics (ethical issues of research, University of Sadat City(.

  • Repetitive use of long sentences and passive tense should be avoided. It is strongly recommended that the text be run through computer spelling and grammar programs. Spelling could be in British or American English but must be consistent throughout the paper.
  • All abbreviations and acronyms should be defined at first mention. To facilitate reader comprehension, abbreviations should be used sparingly. Latin names and terms such as et al., in situ, in vitro, or in vivo should be italicized.
  • Degree symbols (º) must be used (from the Symbol list on the Insert menu in Microsoft Word) and not superscript letter “o” or number “0”. Multiplication symbols must be used (×) and not small “x” letters. Spaces must be inserted between numbers and units (e.g., 3 kg) and between numbers and mathematical symbols (+, –, ×, =, <, >), but not between numbers and percent symbols (e.g., 45%).

Manuscript format:

The following format is designed for full papers. The manuscript should be arranged as follows, with the Introduction beginning on a separate page:

Preparation of Manuscript Style and format: Manuscripts should be 1 ½ spaced with 3-cm margins on all sides of the (A 4) page, in Time New Roman font size 12

Figures should be submitted as separate files as Tagged Image File Format (with .JPG extension). Resolution of the figures should be at least 600 dpi. Text, tables, and figures should not be saved as MS Power Point or PDF files.

1. Title:

The title should be concise and informative. Write the title in font 14 and bold and use italics only for the Latin names. Below title (Font: 12 & bold), list each author’s first name, middle initial and surname. Include a superscription number after an author’s name to indicate different addresses (Font 10 & not bold) after the title. The e-mail address of the corresponding author should be provided immediately after the address(es) of the author(s).

Running title:  a short title of no more than 8 words.

2. Abstract ((Font 10 & bold)

The abstract should be concise, informative and could be should provide clear information about the research and results obtained, the importance of the research problem, research aim, the methodology, the significant results and the conclusion. Write the abstract in font 10 and bold. It should not exceed 250 words and should be written as a single paragraph.

3- Key words:

Not more than 6 words or phrases, in alphabetical order, identifying the subject matter of the article. They should be written in font 11.   Full stop shall not be used after the last key word. This is to contain ‘key words’ or phrases to enable retrieval and indexing by modern searching techniques. The list should not exceed 6 words.

4- It is advisable to divide the text into: Introduction, Material and methods, Results and Discussion, Acknowledgements and References. Write all main headings in font 12, bold and italic.

5- Introduction:

The introduction should illustrate the research problem, the relevant literature for solving this research problem, the proposed approach and its progress beyond the state-of-the-art, and the objectives of the research. The Introduction should be written as Times New Roman with 12 font size.

6- Material and Methods:

In this section, authors should provide a precise description of the experimental protocol, the materials preparation, measurements procedures, calculation and statistical analysis methods. Materials and Methods should be written as Times New Roman with 12 font size.

7-Results and Discussion:

This section should be written in a clear and concise form taking into account discussing the obtained data rather than repetition. Authors should also avoid the extensive and unjustified citation and discussing of former published literature.

8- Conclusion:

Authors should summarize the most important results of research in conclusion to allow readers to understand the research finding without reading the whole manuscript. This section should be written as Times New Roman with 12 font size.

9- Tables:

Tables should be numbered with Arabic numerals in the order in which they are cited in the text (e.g. Table 2). They must have brief, concise titles and legends that will make the general meaning of the table comprehensible. The titles should be placed at the top of the tables. Explanatory footnotes may be placed below the table written with superscript lowercase letters. All abbreviations must be explained in the legends.

10- Illustrations:

They are photographs, graphs, drawings, diagrams, maps, schemes and must be sharp and of high quality at least 600 dpi. They should be designated as figures (abbreviations: Fig., Figs) and numbered with Arabic numerals (e.g. Fig. 1).

The photographs (microphotographs, SEM photographs or photographs of fossil samples) and drawings can be also arranged in plates and should be designated by Roman numerals, while the individual photographs are designated by Arabic numerals (Plate I, Fig. 1). Submit all figures in their final size . Any signs and letters in the illustrations must be large enough to be read without problem. Hand-written signs and letters are not accepted.

11- Abbreviations:

Abbreviations are discouraged except for measurement units recommended by the International Unit System (SI), standard chemical symbols, names of chemicals or statistical terms, where these are in general use.

12. Corrections:

A proof will be sent once to the corresponding author. The author(s) are expected to correct them carefully and return them within a week.

13- Acknowledgement:

Authors are requested to include an Acknowledgement before the reference list for those provided help during research course (individuals or organizations) including financial support, lab assistance, language editing, etc. This section should be written as Times New Roman with 10 font size.

14-References at the end of the article:

Journal article

Shabana, Y., Singh, D., Ortiz-Ribbing, L.M., Hallett, S.G. 2010.Production and formulation of high quality conidia of Microsphaeropsisamaranthi for the biological control of weedy Amaranthus species. Biol. Control. 55(1), 49-57.

Articles in press

Articles in press, which have been published without bibliographic details, could be cited using the electronic publishing year and the ODI, or as mentioned above (under journal article) except adding “in press” instead of range of page numbers.


Sosa-Hernández, O., Popat, S., Parameswaran, P., Alemán-Nava, G.S., Torres, C. I., Buitrón, G., Parra-Saldívar, R. 2015. Application of microbial electrolysis cells to treat spent yeast from an alcoholic fermentation. Bioresour. Technol. DOI 10.1016/j.biortech.2015.10.053


Faris, M.A. 1993. Sustainable Agriculture in Egypt. Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc.

Note: Book's title must never be abbreviated.

Book chapter

Mosa, A.A.2012. Effect of the application of humic substances on yield, quantity, and nutrient content of potato in Egypt, In: Zhongqi, H. Robert, L., Wayne, H. (eds.), Sustainable Potato Production: Global Case Studies. Springer, Amesterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 471-492.

Ph.D. and M.Sc. Theses

Ahmed, D.A. 2009. Current situation of the Flora and vegetation of the western Mediterranean desert of Egypt Ph.D. Thesis, Tanta Univ., Tanta. 424 pp. (unpublished).

On-line publications

Bennett, M. D. & Leitch, I. Y. 2003. Plant DNA C-values Database (release 2.0). – (accessed 20.08.2004).

15-Submission files:

Authors must submit two files. A PDF file with all tables, figures and illustrations in their appropriate positions in the text. Another Microsoft Word file with all tables, figures and illustrations are only at the end of the text.

Publication fee:--

LE 1000 for Egyptians

$ 250 for Foreigners