Application of Water Quality Indices Measurements to Study the Suitability of Drain Water Quality for Irrigation in Egypt

Document Type : Original scientific articles


1 Evaluation of Natural Resources Department, Environmental Studies and Research Institute, University of Sadat City, Egypt

2 Environmental Biotechnology Department, Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Research Institute, University of Sadat City, Egypt


     Irrigation water quality indices (IWQIs), geochemical facies, and controlling mechanisms were used in an integrated manner to measure the optimum use of drain water for irrigation under sustainable development conditions. During the summer of 2021, 50 samples of drain water were collected around Rosette Branch. The principal ion concentrations have been obtained in the following order, according to their physicochemical properties: HCO3- > Cl- > SO42- > CO32- and Na+ > Ca2+ > Mg2+ > K+. Due to evaporation and rock-water interaction, the surface water facies reflect the calcium and magnesium bicarbonate type and the calcium and magnesium sulfate type. According to IWQI results, about 4% of samples had high restrictions for irrigation use, 30% had moderate restrictions, and 18% of the samples were subject to restrictions for irrigation use. In accordance with the sodium percentage (Na %) readings, 50% of the drains were acceptable for irrigation, while the other were permissible use for irrigation. All drain water samples scored acceptable for irrigation, according to sodium absorption ratio (SAR) and residual sodium carbonate (RSC).
